…is earth in Greece!
All signs show that the demand for realty in the Greek market is still booming despite the economic downturn that the whole world is facing. The numbers do not lie. 30% increase in the first quarter of 2020 of foreign candidate buyers, research into properties was up 20% year after year, 1,45 billion euro’s and 29,4% increase in property purchases in 2019 compared to 1.128 billion euro’s in 2018.
Financial stability after the end of the bailouts, expectation of considerable return on investment in realty for short-term rentals, effective implementation of the residence permit concession program for non-European Union citizens, successful management of the corona virus pandemic, are some of the factors that led to a massive growth in the acquisition of properties in Greece.
Among those investors that chose Greece to invest in the Greek property market are Israeli real estate companies and institutional investors. The Greek government is scheduling many events that will strengthen the bilateral relations with Israel and other sovereign states.
For all those reasons, we paraphrased and we strongly believe the words of the well known American real estate investor Louis Glickman who said that “The best investment on earth is earth” … in Greece!
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